Tuesday, April 29, 2008


BOMBCLICK - somebody asked this question in istorya.

As far as I know, bombclick is a slang for the act of constantly and abusively clicking on your ads. Whether it be you, or another person as far as timbuktu, anyone who keeps on clicking on your ads. Google has a way (that I don't know what type of tool) of finding the number of clicks if it came from the same origin or IP address and can trace that down.

That's why in the terms and conditions of Google, they specifically tell you NOT to click on your own ads nor tell anyone to click on your ads. It purposely defeats the purpose of whole adsense principle in the first place. A person clicks on an advertisement in another person's site because he wants to know more about the product or service that was advertised.

There are actually a number of videos out there that discuss the importance of NOT EVER clicking on your ads! Because if Google finds out about this, then they will definitely ban you and you can't reapply anymore because it's under your own name.

So please, do yourself a favor, don't click; nor tell anyone to click!

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