Friday, May 23, 2008



Advertise On This Blog

Blogsvertise. This is where I'm getting most of my income nowadays.

They'll email you if an advertiser wants to hire you to write about something. If you don't like the task, you can simply accept or decline according to your preference. They would like you to provide some information on why you declined a task. This helps in filtering out the probable opportunities that will come your way in the future.

What's great about Blogsvertise is they have a "Grab task" option wherein other bloggers who decline certain posts will be collected to a certain bin where you can grab the ones that you would like to create. You are limited for one task per day and I tell you, the range is quite good!

You can choose which one to add as added opportunity, which means added cash to your account.

Click Here to Advertise On My Blog

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